Finally the Swedes are in Lipari! In a couple of days this website and blog will be updated eith pictures and information.

Lipari says VERY WELCOME!!!!!!!
I'm happy to start working with the pupils of S.Lucia and Pianoconte again. If everything goes as planned I will be at S. Lucia this Thursday and in Pianoconte maybe Friday or Saturday. In the meantime I wish you all a good start of the new school year 2013/2014!!
Time to start over! I think the most important task this year is for everybody to learn as much English as possible.

Lavoriamo con la lingua ingelse quest'anno, OK? Secondo me, per il momento, è la cosa più importante!

Den här terminen och kanske hela skolåret bör vi jobba så mycket som möjligt med engelskan. Jag tycker att det är det viktigaste vi kan göra just nu!
Abbiamo vinto tutte e tre le
nostre partite!!!

PictureFootball Queens Regine del Calcio Fotbollsdrottningar

PictureGood Game in Gothenburg Partita di Passione Busbra Bollar

Just want to tell you that there's a little problem with my internet connection at the moment. It will be resolved within next week I hope. As soon as possible, everything you have sent me will be posted, promise!

Mi dispiace ma la mia connessione internet mi sta faccendo degli scherzi per il momento. Al più presto possibile vedrete sul sito tutte le cose che mi sono state inviate ultimamente, lo prometto!

Jag har lite problem med internet för närvarande, men redan nästa vecka borde det vara ordnat, så att allt ni skickat till mig kan sättas in på vår sida, lovar att göra det så fort jag bara kan!
Creating a bond between Lipari and Öckerö!
Can't wait to meet the Swedes...

Today we played games in Swedish at Pianoconte!! It was a lot of fun and  it really works to play and learn. Asap there will be a photo of the Prima P here;)
This is the Ankaret
crossword workshop!

In Lipari the pupils are reading the
letters from their Swedish schoolmates,
sitting in their own Sea Museum, designed and
developed by teachers and pupils together. It's open to the public a few days a week. 
More photos of the exhibition will soon be
posted in our Photo Gallery on the Lipari page.